Monday, 15 January 2018


When we want to show that something belongs to somebody, we usually add an apostrophe + s ('s) to a singular noun and an apostrophe (') to a plural noun, for example:

•    the student's book (one student)
•    the students' book (two or more students)

Proper Nouns (Names)

We very often use possessive 's with names:
•    This is Mary's car.
•    Where is Ram's telephone?
•    Is this Anthony's pen?
•    I like Alice's hair.

When a name ends in s, we usually treat it like any other singular noun, and add 's:
•    This is Charles's chair.

Irregular Plurals
Some nouns have irregular plural forms without s (man → men). To show possession, we usually add 's to the plural form of these nouns:
singular noun          plural noun
my child's dog           my children's dog
the man's work         the men's work
the mouse's cage       the mice's cage
a person's clothes      people's clothes

Let's practise the possessive.

exercise 1 (Choose the correct word) 

exercise 2 (Put the words in the correct order) 

exercise 3 (Make correct sentences)

exercise 4 (choose the correct word)

exercise 5 ( click on the words in the correct order)

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