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Listen to the British Council’s most popular English learning podcast series, LearnEnglish Elementary Podcasts, on your mobile device!
The app helps you learn everyday English by providing over 40 episodes and over 20 hours of free listening about a wide range of topics, as well as great new features that help you listen and understand the conversations.
In each episode, podcast hosts Tess, Ravi, Adam and Rob chat with different people to talk about everyday topics such as their favourite celebrities, making plans for the weekend, having a dinner party and which cities they like to live in.
In every episode, listen and read along with a moving audioscript. The audioscript gets highlighted to help you focus on listening. Comprehension questions come with each episode so that you can check your listening and whether you understand the conversation.
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LearnEnglish for Taxi Drivers is the first complete English learning
course designed around the life of a taxi driver! Whether you are a
driver or you need to travel abroad and use English, this course
provides all the language you need for everyday situations. The course
provides useful language that can be used in many other situations such
as greetings, asking for directions and making small talk.
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